Perhaps the people of Ho Chi Minh City in particular and Vietnam. In general, I could never have imagined that one day, the busiest and most crowded city in Vietnam would become as lonely and deserted as it is now. Under the heavy impact of the epidemic, the city’s authorities and people are struggling daily with directive 16 of the Prime Minister – the Government. Many residents who are leading an ordinary life suddenly find themselves in a difficult situation when the directive to restrict leaving the house, isolating a person from person, a family from family is applied and people lose their jobs. People have their wages reduced, and people are in quarantine, making it more difficult than ever to provide food.

But at the same time, when the Coronavirus raged, there was another “virus” also developed and spread non-stop, and that was the “virus of love”. Strangely, the more severe the epidemic, the more the “virus” promoted and spread to every corner of the city.

Having chosen the motto “Going Together” as a guideline for all activities, the Board of Directors of UVS understands that more than ever companionship, encouragement, and sharing are what all employees need most right now. Therefore, the “Gifts of love and sharing during the epidemic season” was born to spread love and hope to all members of the Uu Viet family.

Ignore the fear of spreading the disease, and don’t be afraid of long and adversity journeys. The volunteers, including the company’s Board of Directors, personally delivered the gifts to each family to send love and encouragement to all their colleagues.
The joyful glances, the sincere thanks, the nods to each other after a long time of not seeing each other. Perhaps in ordinary life, we don’t notice much, but at this moment, here is a good source of motivation and belief, helping not only the Board of Directors but also all of Uu Viet’s employees “together” overcome the epidemic.

UVS believes that the Board of Directors and all workers of the company will always accompany each other on the long road ahead.
“If you want to go fast, go alone,
If you want to go far, go together.”

Established in 2010, Uuviet Solutions (UVS) is a leading distributor of comprehensive solutions for bathroom furniture and high-end security equipment in Vietnam with more than 10 famous brands worldwide, ranging from super luxury class (Jörger) to the 5-star segment (Brizo, Delta, Axent, Bagnodesign, Bette, Innoci, etc.). Multi-style, multi-brand, multi-segment – there is always more than one optimal solution for each individual choice at Uuviet Solutions (UVS).