In addition to the unique color schemes covering all fields from fashion to interior, JÖRGER is still catching up with trends and perfect application on high-class products to bring to their customers.
Not stopping at luxurious classic designs, Oliver Jörger said: “As a manufacturer of bathroom furniture and accessories. Starting in 2019, along with retro designs, we will offer more elegant black and white accessories to an extraordinary standard made possible by the powder coating.”
Trends in the interior decoration sector are increasingly reflected in bathroom appliances.
For this reason, JÖRGER added matte black and matte white to the surfaces of the accessories at ISH 2019.
Black is no less attractive when it can reflect personality, power, and luxury for the bathroom.
No color creates a strong accent like black when expressing a clear structure that does not easily blend into interior designs. In the luxury segment, black perfectly brings out special effects such as: classic, sumptuous, and modern.
White is the classic shade in the bathroom, and no other color can replace it. White symbolizes purity, and innocence and goes well with all different shades. The effect of white depends vastly on the color shades combined. For example, combining black, gold, silver, and white will create a luxurious look.
Custom design is one of JÖRGER’s advantages. When it comes to creating a holistic bathroom experience. All metal parts can be adapted to the surface of the interior to create a harmonious space.
Established in 2010, Uuviet Solutions (UVS) is a leading distributor of comprehensive solutions for bathroom furniture and high-end security equipment in Vietnam with more than 10 famous brands worldwide, ranging from super luxury class (Jörger) to the 5-star segment (Brizo, Delta, Axent, Bagnodesign, Bette, Innoci, etc.). Multi-style, multi-brand, multi-segment – there is always more than one optimal solution for each individual choice at Uuviet Solutions (UVS).